Is the immigration boogeyman going away?

by Daniel Cubias

The New York Times recently reported on a small rural town where longtime residents complain about “young Mexican men working construction and driving down wages, the children of laborers flooding crowded schools…and strip clubs springing up on roads that used to be dark and quiet.”

Is the town in Wisconsin, Kansas, Alabama, or even (shudder) Arizona? No, it is “a precolonial Mexican village outside Oaxaca City, filling up with fellow Mexicans.”

It seems that the urge to hate immigrants — even of the same nationality — is universal.

Here in the United States, however, xenophobia directed at immigrants has long had a political slant that pays short-term benefits. Social conservatives have made immigration the wedgiest of wedge issues (note: “wedgiest” is not a real word). Clearly, it riles up the base to say all of American’s problems are because some guys jumped a fence.

But what happens if this proven vote-getter loses its power? We may soon find out, because the use of immigration as a political scare tactic may be ending.

As the Times article illustrates, many Latin American immigrants are no longer making the trip to El Norte. Instead, they’re moving around within their own countries or regions. The United States, mostly because of our sickly economy, is simply not the draw it once was.

Indeed, the rate of immigration, legal or otherwise, has plummeted. Specifically, “for the first time in sixty years, Mexican migration to the United States has hit a net zero,” leading some experts to say the “immigration boom of the 1990s and early 2000s is unlikely to be repeated ever again.”

In addition, the Obama administration has recently revised some immigration rules, with the result that undocumented people have a better shot at staying here. That means they are more likely to become integrated into American society – or at the very least – their children are.

Taken together, these two facts imply that screaming your head off about immigration will soon have the same effect as proclaiming that the Russians are going to bomb us. Perplexed observers will ask, “Are you still worried about that?”

However, this doesn’t mean everything will automatically be sweetness and light for Latinos. There are long-term consequences for the demonization of Latinos. Long after the political advantages of battering immigrants have worn off, hostility toward Latinos will remain.

We already see collateral damage. For example, a few weeks ago, the Charlotte Observer ran a fairly routine article about the city’s first newborn of the year. He was a Latino named Tommy. The article “simply mentioned the family name and included a portrait of the new mom and baby.”

But in today’s culture, where open loathing of Latinos is commonplace, many people felt entitled to label Tommy as an “anchor baby.” After the article came out, “what followed was a litany of hateful and racist comments posted on the Observer’s website, so profane that site administrators disabled all comments.”

Well, Happy New Year to you too.

To learn more about Staff Writer, Daniel, visit Hispanic Fanatic.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of
the author and should not be understood to be shared by Being Latino, Inc.


2 Responses to “Is the immigration boogeyman going away?”


    If you want to keep paying out your hard earned money in feeding, medicating, housing and overpopulating the penal system, just keep on ignoring the obvious. Try as they may—Illegal Immigration isn’t just a south of the US border issue; it is from every corner of the world they come? A major majority of the legal Hispanic genealogy family history goes back hundreds of years. Their indigenous peoples have become the scapegoat for every illegal alien and the Democrats have built on that situation? Both political parties have been pampering illegal aliens, especially the pregnant Mothers for decades, who smuggle their unborn babies through an undermanned, poorly constructed border fence. Every day you are subsidizing migrants and immigrants who are already versed on the entitlement nation called the United States. As soon as they apply they receive free pre-natal care and later schooling through K-12, with all the welfare, that the parents live off these entitlements. Same with so-called Guest worker farming families who the taxpayer once again is exploited by the business owners, who take their sick laborers to the emergency room and other family members? The American taxpayer also pays for their children’s education and other welfare benefits that Americans are held accountable through taxation.

    This is America’s future if voters don’t orally storm the fortress Congress and speak up for your fellow jobless workers, which are being exploited by nationwide company owners as they hire illegal aliens. Billions of dollars are extorted from you payroll check, that encourages even more people to scorn our immigration laws, bringing their poverty with them; adding to even more countrywide poverty. Neither the democrats and the ultra Left or the Republicans seem to have any sense of loyalty to “We the People” From now until the 2012 election many of these indifferent lawmakers, will be dismissed from office as the American public are riled? They will be replaced by TEA PARTY CONSTITUTIONALISTS, as we have already seen in the previous midterm elections. The very core of our Constitution is under serious attack, by the White House and the Liberal Progressive Czars. They are blocking through regulations the Canadian KeyStone XL pipeline and even undermining through presidential executive order the deportation of foreign nationals, with no detainment.

    ‘The Legal Workforce Act ‘commonly known as Mandatory E-Verify. This computer generated program allows the business owner to detect the majority of the illegal aliens already hired and reject them from the job market or suffer harsh sanctions that does not exclude prison time. This is ATTRITION THROUGH ENFORCEMENT and SELF-DEPORTATION. No job-they are going home. Plus “The Birthright Citizenship Act” to stop the inducement of bringing unborn infants into the country, that provides free welfare, education and health care.. The legal public group called Judicial Watch is digging out the corruption in Washington DC, and have revealed allegations of voter fraud, to cement votes for the resident president by illegal means in our already compromised election system. Go to for all the information.

    Why should the states of Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Utah be terrorized by the Department of Justice morons and the Obama Liberal Czars over the policing policy to decline the illegal alien invaders, when in actual fact numerous administrations are to blame for this abuse of the States and handing out free welfare.

    BE WARNED THAT NON-CITIZENS HAVE BEEN VOTING AND CERTAINLY WILL AGAIN IN FUTURE ELECTIONS ESPECIALLY SINCE THE ACORN ORGANIZATION HAS APPEARED AGAIN UNDER ASSUMED NAMES THAT INCLUDE “PROJECT VOTE.” Every voter should possess official picture ID to vote? Become acquainted NumbersUSA and learn about the billions of dollars taken from taxpayers in unfunded mandates by pandering to illegal aliens. ONLY U.S. VOTERS CAN SAVE JOBS FOR THEMSELVES AND THE 22 MILLION CITIZENS AND LAWFUL RESIDENTS WITH “Green Cards.”

    Nobody is talking?
    At the debates and Caucuses, some patriotic American should ask Gingrich, Romney, Santorum or Paul about this disgusting chaos, which has badly damaged the real estate industry for many years to come. A cousin of mine in California went to a tax meeting the other night and the discussion that came across, was the crash of real estate that was a question that neither political upper echelon wants to talk about? The “Bull in the China shop syndrome” cannot even describe the epitome monstrous run on Foreclosures. You must judge for yourself and trust your own opinion that illegal aliens must carry the financial impact of this insurmountable problem?

    The truth is being kept locked up mostly by the Liberal news media. No bank, Mortgage Company wants to be associated with this mess, which even now is unresolved? The foreclosure mess was implemented by the illegal alien occupation in the form of NINA loans, were poor foreign nationals were able to purchase homes without any financial credit profile; no credit, no secured buying power. Although the problem was additionally magnified, it was government and its political hacks that threatened banks, if they didn’t loan to low income persons. (Google “NINA” loans and add term fraud”); you will be amazed of the many reports on this subject, that the politicians do not want you to see?

    Can you even comprehend lending money to people with no income? Not even a decent well paying job, receiving $200.000 to $500.000 loans to buy homes and at the same time, living with illegal parents living foothold infants collecting food stamps? This happened throughout America and amazingly renting out the property and placing other illegal alien families, pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars and even having the impudence to default on the mortgages. You know what happened when “You know what” hit the fan and the whole home-ownership system collapsed. The original mortgage owners disappeared no even bothering to pay the electricity, gas, trash and other bill, vanishing as they did with copious amounts of cash to their countries of origin. Billions of dollars vanished leaving county governments intimidating banks, to clean up swimming pools, trash and damaged properties. Hundreds of lawful scroungers with cash brought these homes and took advantage of this crazy fiasco and that why the real truth is being concealed. Then you will be wondering why your taxes are skyrocketing as the real betrayer’s of this massive scam escaped prosecution.
